
1. Age-defying Mask 抗衰老修護面膜 x 4pcs
2. Anti-Oxidant Mask 抗氧化修護面膜 x 4pcs
3. Hydrating Mask 高效補水修護面膜 x 2pcs


Age-defying Mask: Wild Yam helps improve blood circulation and increase collagen renewal, while Elderberry Extract helps improve skin elasticity and make skin younger.

Anti-Oxidant Mask: Uses Chinese Green Tea and African Chrysanthellis as the main ingredients to provide a natural protective layer for the skin, protecting the skin from environmental factors and helping to slow down aging.

Hydrating Mask: Contains Japanese Natto, which helps to maintain the skin’s natural moisture level while removing the skin’s stratum corneum, leaving the skin dry and radiant.

***如有任何疑問,歡迎Whatsapp 6700 0691查詢(文字不語音)

Karuna全方位修護套裝10片裝 Karuna Stay Aglow Face Mask Set 10pcs



Karuna STAY AGLOW! 全方位修護套裝包括︰
抗老化面膜 (Age-defying) x4
抗氧化面膜 (Anti-Oxidant) x4
保濕面膜 (Hydrating) x2

⁂ 抗老化面膜 (Age-defying) ~ 補充肌膚膠原蛋白,令肌膚「緊」、「彈」、「滑」!
⁂ 抗氧化面膜 (Anti-Oxidant) ~ 去黃殺手鐧!拯救捱夜肌,一掃暗黃疲倦,令肌膚白嫩新生。
⁂ 保濕面膜 (Hydrating) ~ 深層補水,長效滋潤!
⁂ 三效合一,連續幾日密集護理,令肌膚熙緻透嫩,彷如新生!

HKD 675.00
HKD 450.00

Karuna全方位修護套裝10片裝 Karuna Stay Aglow Face Mask Set 10pcs